Dress Wild like a Child for World Prematurity Day
Dress Wild like a Child for World Prematurity Day
Dress Wild like a Child for World Prematurity Day

Dress Wild like a Child for World Prematurity Day


We organised a 'Dress Wild Like A Child' campaign to raise awareness around World Prematurity Day and to raise money for the neonatal units in Hampshire. Several businesses took part including Asda Totton, Acro Policing, and Portsmouth Housing Options.

A few individuals also took on the challenge of dressing wild and hosting smaller events around the area.

The campaign was a success and over £1500 was raised for the Hampshire neonatal units (with final donations still coming in)
A massive thank you to everyone that took part!!! 
If you or your business would like to take part in this event next year please contact holly@icklepickles.org

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