LifeStart™ Resuscitaire

LifeStart™ Resuscitaire | IPK 674

St. George’s Hospital, Tooting | Greater London

Donated on: 2022-01-20

Following on from the success of our 2022 Incubator Ball event, we were delighted to donate a LifeStart Resuscitaire to the Delivery Suite at St George’s Hospital. 

Until recently, when babies were born needing immediate resuscitation, doctors had to cut the umbilical cord early to take the baby away to help them. But that prevented the newborn from getting a third of its circulating blood - which comes from the placenta in the minutes after birth - and is upsetting for the parents. The LifeStart allows this to happen with all births, including very premature babies and allows the Mum to hold her baby whilst the necessary interventions take place. 

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