Lifestart Resuscitaire

Lifestart Resuscitaire

Homerton University Hospital | Homerton Row, London E9 6SR | Greater London

Current Appeal:

The team at Homerton have requested a Lifestart Resuscitaire Unit which allows the resuscitaire (the equipment used to stabilise the baby after birth) to be brought right up to where the baby is delivered.
This means that while a baby is being stabilised or resuscitated, they can remain attached to the placenta. 

Appeal current status

£0.00 £15,000.00

Other Appeals

Tickets for the Incubator ball

Ongoing Fundraising

Greater London

£ 246.00 / £ 5,000.00
Tickets for the Incubator ball

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£ 1,371.00 / £ 1,631.00
Tickets for the Incubator ball

Ongoing Fundraising


£ 270.00 / £ 5,000.00
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